We're Having a BOY!!!!!

Well, it's official!! We went to the doctor yesterday and they told us that we're having a boy!
His name will be Boston Mckinley Smith, I've already set up an email account for him, so if you'd like to send him a note send it to "bostonmsmith" at "gmail dot com" (type it in like a regular email, I just wrote it out like this to prevent spam...)
CONGRATS you guys! We are so excited for you and will be praying for the whole journey!
Blessings on you both!
Mark and Deedee
Brian and Tasha, Im so excited and I love the name you guys picked out.
Boston? Please don't tell me you are a Red Sox fan!
Very nice Brian. We were just talking last night that we thought he'd have a name that started with a B. We didn't come up with Boston but it's very cool. Hey, that gives me an idea for his first gift........that's right RED Socks! Love you guys....Herb and Jean
Dear Boston, I've been praying for you for four years now!! I can't wait to hold you but stay in Momma's tummy as long as you need to. Me and Mr. Tommy already love you.
Ms Brenda Duncan
This is GREAT news! I guess everything will be baby "blue" now...all the best to you both. Word of advice...you'll soon discover patience as never before so be sure to apply it...but don't worry, you'll be just fine.
This is so exciting!
Morgan Dukes/Atlanta
Brian and Tasha
CONGRATS and blessings to you both. Your world will change but you will love it.
Bob and Jo
Congratulations to both of you!
-Dave Ryback
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