What an afternoon!!! HE'S HERE!!!
it's been a fairly eventful afternoon... the first epidural didn't work. it seemed to work at first but for whatever reason it didn't work after about 10 minutes. so they tried different stuff, but she was having full contractions with no epidural for about 2 hours!! and now after about 1 hour on the new epidural (this one worked) the baby was READY TO COME OUT!!! 
We're getting ready to start pushing!!!!
Boston McKinley Smith
8lb 5oz - 21 1/4 inchs long

stay tuned for more....
Woo hoo! He's a cutie, though kind of wet.
Yay for more January babies!!!
Awesome! Beautiful son!!!
Congratulations Mom and Dad!
Randy Livingston
YAAAAAYYYYYYYY!! Congratulations mom and dad! He's beautiful and perfect:)) We can't wait to see you!
Love, Chris & Renee
1st to comment New Baby Boston, Regina expexted him to be bald since Brian doesn't have hair :) hahah, He is Beautiful can't wait to come see him!!!!
we love yall,
Julie and Regina
He is sooooooo cute and handsome!
Can't wait to hold him
Love you guys
He is sooooooo cute and handsome!
Can't wait to hold him
Love you guys
Congrats from the Pace Family! We are so happy for you guys. Welcome to parenthood, and please don't hesitate to call if you need ANYTHING!
Congrats! Man, that kid has more hair than you do, Brian!
Congrats to you and Tasha! He looks like a keeper...
love ya both,
Scott and Debi
Oh, Brian! He is ADORABLE!!! Congratulations to you both!!!
We just got home and saw the pics!! He is GORGEOUS!! Mark said that he thought it looked a lot like him..hmmm...He is precious! Can't wait to meet him! Congrats you guys!!!
What a beutiful boy! Can't wait to see him in person - congrats mom and dad! Bill and Tracey
YAY! CONGRATS, He is a handsome baby boy! If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask because we are here to help in anyway we can..
The Boyd Family- Kris, Lori and Nolan
oh my goodness! he is so gorgeous! congratulations guys! we are so happy for you!!!!
amanda and jason
Congratulations! The IT department at EFT Source wish you all the best. Judging by the pictures, you both have done exceptionally well. All my best.
Tony and the rest of the EFT Crew
God is IN-CRED-I-BLE!!!!!!
Boston will change your life!
wait a minute... HE HAS HAIR!!! What an awesome looking little dude... glad he got his mama's looks! Love you both and continuing to pray as you adjust to life with a little one!
Wow, what a beautiful child. He looks like he's 3 months old in the one picture with his eyes open. You are blessed. I am so glad everything went well and I know you are glad it's over and you can finally hold Boston in your arms. Sweet times. I love you all. Monica
congrats!!!!! i'm going out now to try to find some short sticks and baby drums. never too early. really though, i'm happy for you guys, jim
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