Sunday, June 25, 2006
Next week we will be celebrating Independence Day. As we did last year, we will have a party at our home. This will be the third time we've done this... It's great because where we live, they put up a ton of little fireworks stands up a few weeks before the holiday.... At dark we get this great 360 degree fireworks show... We always do a cook out before dark, It's Bring-Your-Own-Meat-And-Drink, If anyone would like to come please RSVP in the comments...
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Happy Anniversary!!!

Last night Tasha and celebrated our 5 year anniversary, we went to PF Chang's, then to Starbucks, then to the Frist Center for the Egypt Exhibit, after that we capped off our evening at Krispy Kream for a "fresh" glazed donut.
I love my wife so much. She is my best friend, and I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else....
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I'm a little behind in my blogging....
My new phone..
The last few hours of our peaceful vacation was interrupted, when we found out that our phones had been turned off AGAIN!!! I won't bore you with all of the details, but for the last fews months we have been having our phones turned off by Sprint every 10 days... What happens is Tasha goes to pay our bill, she tells the person, "I've got two accounts in my name, the one with my number and my husband's number on it, and another account with my Mother's number on it. I want to pay the bill with my number and my husband's number, here is the account number for that account..." So the Sprint employee does what any other Sprint employee would do, and credits the OTHER account. So a few weeks later our phones get turned off. So Tasha calls them up, together they figure out what the girl at the Sprint store had done. Now here's where it gets annoying... The girl on the phone tells Tasha that she can't fix the problem... so one higher up the food chain has too... all she has the authority to do is turn our phones back on for 10 days. But she assures Tasha that they will have the problem sorted out by then... 10 days later... Our phones get turned off. We repeat this stupid song and dance 4 MORE TIMES. Last friday Tasha had all she could take... We have been looking to switch to Verizon, but I was still waiting for the right phone to be released... you know, a phone I don't mind being stuck with for two years.... Enter the Treo 700p.

I love it!!! Being able to sync up my contacts and calendar is more than worth the small fortune I payed for it... I'm still working out all the bugs, but so far... I LOVE IT!!!
My new phone..
The last few hours of our peaceful vacation was interrupted, when we found out that our phones had been turned off AGAIN!!! I won't bore you with all of the details, but for the last fews months we have been having our phones turned off by Sprint every 10 days... What happens is Tasha goes to pay our bill, she tells the person, "I've got two accounts in my name, the one with my number and my husband's number on it, and another account with my Mother's number on it. I want to pay the bill with my number and my husband's number, here is the account number for that account..." So the Sprint employee does what any other Sprint employee would do, and credits the OTHER account. So a few weeks later our phones get turned off. So Tasha calls them up, together they figure out what the girl at the Sprint store had done. Now here's where it gets annoying... The girl on the phone tells Tasha that she can't fix the problem... so one higher up the food chain has too... all she has the authority to do is turn our phones back on for 10 days. But she assures Tasha that they will have the problem sorted out by then... 10 days later... Our phones get turned off. We repeat this stupid song and dance 4 MORE TIMES. Last friday Tasha had all she could take... We have been looking to switch to Verizon, but I was still waiting for the right phone to be released... you know, a phone I don't mind being stuck with for two years.... Enter the Treo 700p.

I love it!!! Being able to sync up my contacts and calendar is more than worth the small fortune I payed for it... I'm still working out all the bugs, but so far... I LOVE IT!!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Back to the grid....
well I'm back home.... working my butt off... I really don't have anything to say... here's all the pics from the vacation in one set
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Another Great Day...

here's a pic my Dad took... I think it looks like an album cover...
The vacation is going great... I'm currently uploading a ton of pics from the Edison - Ford Museum. It was extremely interesting... During my brief college career I studied quite a bit about Thomas Edison. He was a big part of the recording industry... it was great to see alot of those inventions up close... Click here for the latest vacation pics...
The sun sets on an awesome day

WOW!! We had a great Tuesday down here in Fort Myers, FL... Looks like the storm has moved on, and the rest of the week should just be regular Florida weather... Sunny and hot, with the short afternoon thunderstorm... Today (Wednesday) we will spend the morning at the beach, then the afternoon at the Edison - Ford Winter Estates... (click here for info)
It should be a great day!! Check back for lots of pics... and remember that you can always just go to my Flickr account for all my pictures, and then on to vacation for all of our vacation pics...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
My iPod is healthy again!!!!
I got the replacement hard drive in the mail today....

So I tore of the packing and connected it to my iPod...

then to the computer....

The iPod fired right up but the hard drive had some one else's library on it...

A quick restore (after looking through Evan's music of course...) and I was all back to normal... with the music and podcast that I love all ready for tomorrow's commute...
I got the replacement hard drive in the mail today....

So I tore of the packing and connected it to my iPod...

then to the computer....

The iPod fired right up but the hard drive had some one else's library on it...

A quick restore (after looking through Evan's music of course...) and I was all back to normal... with the music and podcast that I love all ready for tomorrow's commute...