Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I've Stopped Running.

For all of those who are new to the blog, let me answer a few questions for you.

I update the blog in spurts - it's always been my intension to blog everyday, but I've found that what I end up doing is more like everyday for a week, then a month or two(or six) off then everyday for week again...  so maybe this time will be different, but don't hold your breath...

I've stopped running - I haven't ran in a VERY long time...  but I did buy a trampoline... an exercise trampoline...  I've been doing that for a few weeks....  along with some push ups...

any other questions?  I'd be happy to answer them....  leave them in the comments....

Alexander Family Reunion 2007

Last weekend Dad, Wanda, Tasha, and I went to our triennial family reunion.  It's my Dad's Dad's family (confused? - that's my grandfather on my Dad's side of the family).  My Grandfather's Mother had 8 brothers and sisters.  The reunion is for the descendants of those brothers and sisters!  That's ALOT of people...  Of course the vast majority of them don't come...  but back in it's hay day we had well over 100, sometimes close to 200 people there!  Anyways, we never miss it...   This year the Smith part of the family made up over half of the attenders....  here are the pics....